. . . Reasons to keep Maohi media > an open letter to President of French Polynesia, Oscar Manutahi Temaru, 15th December 2011 Kia orana Mr. President, Fourteen years ago today, a journalist named JPK disappeared from the island of Tahiti. To this day, top secret documents remain on file, linked with this journalist, but denied to investigatory judges by a national security commission. Similar documents also link JPK with a separate investigation into Clearstream, the world's largest bank, a bank for banks. At no time since the era of nuclear testing have people French Polynesia come closer to the raw power of the French state, a savage mafia "melieu" involving intelligence services, judiciary and diplomacy. Disappearance of Jean-Pascal Couraud on 15th December 1997 saw the loss of an opportunity to expose hidden back-channels of global finance. A "secret, and secondary, banking system" as it was descri...